NETone Black Edition x External powered edition

Pioneer S13J-X

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支持高清4K內容“超高清藍光”播放。音質和靜音,高可靠性BD / DVD / CD刻錄機

BDR-S13J-X兼容高清4K內容“超高清藍光”播放。 ※1。此外,Pioneer的BD驅動器還具有在PC上欣賞音樂的功能,例如忠實讀取音頻CD數據的“PureRead(原始聲音播放)”功能和降低數據插值頻率的“RealTime PureRead”功能。我們裝備齊全。除了這些功能之外,“音頻CD檢查功能”分四步顯示,以顯示在本機上播放的音頻CD的播放質量,在質量較差的情況下,採取的措施包括本機的設置更改。它配備適用於CD翻錄和音樂播放等應用。此外,除了將高端音響設備所採用的塗層應用於盤托盤以提高抗振性能外,還通過在殼體內外施加特殊塗層來提高散熱性能,並降低噪音實現質量和可靠性。

檢查在本機上播放的音頻CD的播放質量,並以4級(AD)顯示,如果是低質量級別(C,D),則顯示更改本機設置等措施 安裝了“音頻CD檢查功能”。 您可以選擇“完整設置”以檢查音頻CD上的所有數據和“快速設置”以在短時間內檢查數據。



除了傳統的高防塵性能外,還改進了驅動軟件,以減少由於灰塵,灰塵,香煙煙霧等導致的光盤讀取性能的惡化。 因此,我們的壽命是傳統型號的兩倍。

所有發揮振動和降噪效果的黑色錶殼, 厚重的全黑外殼塗料,作為優質型號,具有存在感,不僅適用於外觀,也適用於內部,並且具有良好的效果,例如減振,散熱改善和激光不規則反射抑制。它增加。




採用低阻扁平電纜,可提高傳導性能,降低錄音和回放信號的噪音。 此外,通過採用防振墊和防振橡膠,也減少了盤旋轉時的振動。








豐富的CD Ripping功能

BDR-S12J-X包括與BD兼容的所有光盤(BD-R XL:3層介質100 GB,BD-R XL:4層介質)(1層介質25 GB,2層介質50 GB)和BDXLTM標準可以錄製和播放128GB,BD-RE XL:3層媒體100GB *。此外,它可以使用BD-R以16倍速度錄製,使用BD-R DL錄製14倍速度,使用BD-R TL(3層)錄製8倍速度,使用BD-R QL(4層)錄製6倍速度。此外,它可以在16倍高速寫入模式和正常使用模式之間切換。當專注於高速寫入而不是靜音操作(例如磁盤複製)時,將所有設置設置為高速寫入模式更安全,該高速寫入模式可以針對高速可靠寫入進行優化。在正常應用中,您可以選擇強調靜音,穩定性和錄製質量的標準模式。

配備“PureRead 4+(原始聲音再現)”和“RealTime PureRead”,提高了數據讀取精度
對於BDR-S12J-X,當播放CD音頻時,如果由於光盤上的划痕,指紋或成型缺陷而無法正確讀取音頻數據,則調整讀取方法並再次讀取,並執行錯誤數據插值。它配備了“PureRead”以減少其發生使用BDR-S12J-X,這款“PureRead”配備了最新技術“PureRead 4+”,顯著提高了音頻數據的讀取性能。

“PureRead 4+”中引入的算法也在“實時純讀取”中採用,以實時降低數據插值的頻率,並以原始音頻CD音質再現。結合BDXL兼容拾音器提高CD讀取性能,可實現高精度CD讀取。如果您想了解有關PureRead 4+進展的更多信息,請參閱PureRead 4+開發故事“純讀取功能的高性能挑戰”。
如果您想了解有關Pure Read的更多信息,請閱讀Pure Read的開發故事,“Pure Read Feature Evolution和Future Possibilities I”和“Pure Read Feature Evolution and Future Possibilities II”。

PureRead4 +



配備更易於使用的實用Apps, 配備了“Omakase設置”功能,可根據應用設置驅動器。

與過去一樣,您也可以單獨進行詳細設置,如加載操作和靜音設置,適合錄製/播放AUDIO / VIDEO以及視頻和音頻模式。此外,它還配備了一個可以知道正在安裝的磁盤的類型和狀態的功能。通過配備這些功能的驅動器,您可以更安全,更舒適地使用驅動器。

使用隨附的Pioneer Drive Utility,在播放電影軟件(BD / DVD)和音樂CD時,已經安裝了“查看模式”,可以優化設置,例如靜靜地打開托盤或強調安靜。


通常,BD驅動器具有在寫入完成之後根據需要進行驗證的方法,以及交替寫入和驗證的寫入和驗證模式。 BDR-S12J-X專注於寫入和驗證模式,並通過優化各種算法和檢查細節來實現加速。




  • 採用夾具進行高速旋轉
  • 減少磁盤振動並穩定磁盤旋轉
  • 提高光盤錄製精度
  • 改善高速旋轉時的降噪效果
  • 夾持器頂蓋/高速兼容夾持器

可以選擇高速記錄模式和記錄精度優先模式(標準模式)。 (實用程序屏幕)Pioneer Drive Utility允許您在兩種模式之間切換。在正常使用中可以以最佳特性操作,其中優先考慮速度,諸如磁盤複製,降噪和記錄精度之類的條件。在正常情況下,旋轉噪音很安靜,你可以專注於電影和音樂,當高速錄製時,它會自動切換到速度優先。

為了進一步提高媒體寫入質量的準確性,“BD-R最佳雙倍速記錄功能,可根據媒體的各種參數自動選擇和寫入各種BD-R媒體的最佳記錄倍速” “(質量優先記錄速度自動選擇功能)”。當您想要充分利用“錄製精度”和速度時,建議使用此功能。




  • 安靜防塵
  • 高性能頂板結構增強了防塵和降噪性能。
  • 先進的防塵設計,徹底清除驅動器上的灰塵和污垢
  • 採用高性能蜂窩外殼
  • 通過防止振動的發生和提高密封性,抑制了高速旋轉時不必要的共振的發生,這導致穩定的寫入,並且還提高了安靜性和防塵性。音響対策パッド/不要な振動、空気の流入を防ぐ、BDR-S12J-X防塵.静音パッド


它配備了Pioneer音頻組件產品中的專有蜂窩結構和BDR-S03J採用的BD兼容靜音托盤。通過控制由盤旋轉產生的風的流動來抑制噪聲的產生。 BDR-S13J-X的電路板面積減少到BDR-S03J的1/3左右,外殼的內部空間擴大。這使得風的內部循環更有效,並且控制在盤的高速旋轉和長時間旋轉期間發生的拾取部分和盤表面的局部溫度上升。此外,我們通過調整防塵隔音墊的位置並進一步密封前擋板來進一步降低噪音。通過徹底的降噪設計實現降噪。你可以安全地使用它很長一段時間.



標準固件根據應用自動控制磁盤轉速。 例如,在播放視頻和音頻時,您可以低速旋轉光盤並保持安靜,將數據保存到硬盤時,可以通過高速旋轉光盤來實現高性能。


增強創作,舒適地欣賞優質視頻和良好聲音 x 視頻和音頻模式
青色LE点灯時 通常時/記録時/青色LE消灯時 オーディオビデオモード再生


安全性をより高める設計 万が一ディスク割れが発生した場合の安全性を高めます。


BDR-S13J-X is the highest version "Pure Read 4+" of the "Pure Read" function that faithfully reads the data of the audio CD, and "Real Time Pure Read" that suppresses the frequency of data interpolation when playing the audio CD in real time. It is equipped with functions for enjoying music on a PC, such as functions. In addition to these functions, it is equipped with an "audio CD check function" that displays the playback quality of the audio CD played on this unit in four stages, and in the case of low quality, displays countermeasures such as changing the settings of this unit. It is suitable for applications such as CD ripping and music playback. In addition, the disc tray is painted with the same paint used for high-end audio equipment to improve vibration isolation performance, and the interior and exterior of the housing are specially painted to improve heat dissipation, resulting in high quietness. Achieves sex and reliability.

In addition to the conventional high recording quality, the BDR-S13J-X has achieved further improvement in recording quality by correcting parameters at a more appropriate timing when recording data, as well as improving recording double speed. The performance and quality have been further improved compared to the conventional model, such as reviewing the components.

Checks the playback quality of the audio CD played on this unit and displays it in 4 stages (AD), and in the case of a low quality level (C, D), displays the countermeasures such as changing the settings of this unit. The audio CD check function "is carried. You can select "Full setting" to check all the data on the audio CD or "Quick setting" to check the data in a short time.

With BDR-S13J-X, you can now select the songs you want to check. It has evolved to be easier to use than the conventional model.

Music selection screen to check

[Selection screen for songs to check]

High playback quality level display

[Display of high playback quality level]

Show what to do if the playback quality level is low

[If the playback quality level is low, the corrective action is displayed]

Equipped with "PureRead 4+ (original sound reproduction)" and
"RealTime PureRead" with improved data reading accuracy

When playing CD audio on the BDR-S13J-X, if the audio data cannot be read correctly due to scratches on the disc, fingerprints, molding defects of the disc, etc., the reading method is adjusted, rereading is performed, and error data interpolation is performed. It is equipped with "Pure Read" that reduces the occurrence of. The BDR-S13J-X is equipped with the latest technology "PureRead 4+" that greatly improves the read performance of audio data in this "PureRead".

The algorithm introduced in "PureRead 4+" is also adopted in "Real Time PureRead", which suppresses the frequency of data interpolation in real time and reproduces the original sound quality of audio CDs. Combined with the improvement of CD reading performance by installing a BDXL compatible pickup, high-precision CD reading is possible. If you would like to know more about the evolution of PureRead 4+, please see the development story of PureRead 4+ "Challenge to further improve the performance of PureRead function".

If you would like to know more about PureRead, please see the PureRead development story "Evolution of PureRead Function and Future Possibilities I" and "Evolution of PureRead Function and Future Possibilities II".

Pure lead (reproduction of original sound)

PureRead4 +

With 4K resolution (horizontal 3840 x vertical 2160 pixels), which is higher than full high-definition, it is compatible with the "Ultra HD Blu-ray" standard, which is rich in color tones, and you can enjoy realistic images on your PC.

What is Ultra HD Blu-ray?

<What is Ultra HD Blu-ray>
Ultra HD Blu-ray content is compatible with the HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) standard, and is more delicate with a resolution of 3840 x 2160, which greatly exceeds the resolution of Blu-ray content of 1920 x 1080. You can enjoy various images. In addition, with the latest technology HDR (High Dynamic Range), the peak brightness can be expanded to 10,000 nits (nit), and it is possible to express bright sky, sun, reflection of rays, etc. that could not be expressed until now * . Furthermore, it is compatible with the latest color gamut standard BT-2020, achieving 99.9% reproducibility compared to the color reproducibility of about 70% of the Blu-ray content standard.


All-black housing that demonstrates vibration and noise reduction effects

The heavy all-black housing paint that makes you feel the presence as a premium model is applied not only to the exterior but also to the inside, and has the effects of reducing vibration, improving heat dissipation, and suppressing laser diffuse reflection, which have been well-established in the past. I will raise it further.

Black paint on the inside of the up case improves heat dissipation and prevents diffused reflection of LD light to reduce signal noise / Black paint on the outside of the up case reduces vibration and noise due to the paint film / Disc rotation with rubber paint finish on the disc tray Reduces vibration and noise during time (5 to 20% reduction compared to BDR-S13JBK in the high rotation range (8000 rpm or more) *).  * Compared to our company

The inside of the low case and up case is also painted black to improve heat dissipation and prevent diffused reflection of LD light to reduce signal noise / The black paint on the outside of the low case reduces vibration and noise caused by the paint film.

Low noise electrolytic capacitor, low resistance flat cable, anti-vibration cushion, anti-vibration rubber, loading motor made by domestic manufacturers

A new low noise electrolytic capacitor is used. In addition to further reducing noise, the noise of the recording / playback signal is reduced by adopting a low resistance flat cable as before and improving the continuity performance. Moreover, the vibration when the disk rotates is also reduced by adopting the anti-vibration cushion and the anti-vibration rubber.
Furthermore, in BDR-S13J-X, a high quality and highly reliable DC motor made by a domestic manufacturer is newly adopted for the tray loading part.

FFC with low resistance improves signal reading accuracy

A cushion is added to the rear end of the disc tray to reduce vibration and noise when the disc rotates.

Vibration and noise are further reduced by the anti-vibration rubber between the case and chassis.

High-quality front design

The simple design of smoked acrylic and hairline that reveals blue light, plus the line accent of copper, creates an elegant appearance suitable for a premium model.

High-quality front design

Copper plated screws to reduce noise

By adopting a copper-plated screw, the conductive performance is raised and the noise at the time of recording and reproduction is reduced.

Copper plated screws to reduce noise

Supports high-speed, high-precision 16x speed recording on BD-R and large-capacity BDXL (3 layers, 4 layers)

BDR-S13J-X is a BD (single-layer media 25GB, double-layer media 50GB) and all discs compatible with the BDXL ™ standard (BD-R XL: 3-layer media 100GB, BD-R XL: 4-layer media). 128GB, BD-RE XL: 3-layer media 100GB) * Recording and playback is possible. In addition, BD-R can record at 16x speed, BD-R DL at 14x speed, BD-R TL (3 layers) at 8x speed, and BD-R QL (4 layers) at 6x speed. In addition, it is possible to switch between 16x high-speed write mode and normal use mode. If you place more importance on high-speed writing than quietness, such as when copying discs, you can rest assured that you can set all settings to high-speed writing mode, which can be optimized for reliable high-speed writing. For normal use, you can choose a standard mode that emphasizes quietness, stability, and recording quality. Of course, DVDs and CDs are also high speed. DVD-R: Single-layer media 4.7GB can be recorded at 16x speed, and music CDs can be imported at up to 48x speed.

  • Click here for more information on support media.
  • Operation is not guaranteed for all discs.
  • When the PureRead function is on, the maximum playback speed of music CDs and CD-ROMs is 40 times faster because reading accuracy is prioritized.
    The PureRead function is On by default. This function can be set using the included Pioneer BD Drive Utility.

Equipped with "optimal recording strategy prediction algorithm" for stable recording even on unsupported discs

Predict and record recording strategies even on unsupported discs

The drive automatically predicts and records the optimal recording strategy, even on unsupported recording media. This "optimal recording strategy prediction algorithm" prevents troubles such as the purchased disc not being usable. Achieves a stable record with peace of mind.

* XL media (3 layers, 4 layers) is not supported. Also, depending on the disc, the recording quality may not be sufficient.

Achieve comfortable usability with a utility that is even easier to use

  • Equipped with an "Random setting" function that allows you to set the drive according to the application.
  • Selection and setting of "viewing mode" suitable for enjoying movies and music, "high-speed mode" that emphasizes reading / writing speed, "quality mode" that emphasizes reading / writing quality, and "eco mode" that reduces power consumption Can be done.
  • As in the past, you can individually make detailed settings such as video & audio mode, loading operation suitable for recording and playback of AUDIO / VIDEO, and silent setting. It also has a function to grasp the type and status of the disc being mounted.
  • In addition, the BDR-S13J-X is equipped with a new "custom eco function" that allows you to change the time from the end of operation to the stop of the disc to your liking. You can reduce power consumption by setting it to the "power saving" side.
  • With the drive utility equipped with these functions, you can use the drive more safely and comfortably.

Equipped with a "viewing mode" that optimizes loading operations, etc.

High-quality tray operation that opens quietly and slowly

"Viewing mode" that optimizes settings such as opening the tray quietly and emphasizing quietness when playing movie software (BD / DVD) or music CDs with the pioneer drive utility of the attached software (provided as a free download) Was installed.

Equipped with PEAK POWER REDUCER that suppresses power consumption during peak operation

PEAK POWER REDUCER effect image during startup operation

The power saving mode (PEAK POWER REDUCER) is carried and the power consumption at the time of the operation peak is suppressed.

Outstanding recording accuracy

Optimized write & verify mode algorithms

Generally, BD drives have a method of verifying as needed after writing is completed, and a write & verifying mode in which writing and verifying are performed alternately. The BDR-S13J-X also pays attention to the write & verify mode, and realizes high speed by examining every detail including optimization of various algorithms.

Reduce startup time

The startup time from inserting a disc to starting is shortened by optimizing the routine to check the disc. In addition, we have improved the seek time by reducing the weight of the pickup and reviewing the algorithm, and improved the performance by examining the details so that each disc can be recognized in a short time.

"High-speed reading mode" shortens data search and reading time

After a certain period of time, the BDR-S13J-X is equipped with a "high-speed read mode" in addition to various modes that give priority to quietness and slow down the speed. In the "high-speed read mode", once the disk rotation becomes high, even after the reading is completed, it continues to rotate at high speed for a while, so that high-speed reading can be performed immediately when the next read command comes.

Equipped with "high-speed rotation compatible clamper"

In BDR-S13J-X, the disc vibration is suppressed and the disc rotation is stabilized, so that the disc recording accuracy and the silent effect are improved.

  • Adoption of high-speed rotation compatible clamper
  1. Suppresses disc vibration and stabilizes disc rotation
  2. Improved disc recording accuracy
  3. Improved noise reduction effect during high-speed rotation

Clamper top cover / High-speed compatible clamper

  • High speed recording mode and recording accuracy priority mode (standard mode) can be selected. The Pioneer Drive Utility allows you to switch between the two modes.
  • It is possible to operate with the optimum characteristics for situations such as disk duplication, which prioritizes speed, and for normal use, where quietness and recording accuracy are emphasized.
  • Normally, the rotation sound is quiet and you can concentrate on movies and music. During high-speed recording, speed priority is automatically switched.

"BD-R optimum double speed recording function" that realizes the optimum recording accuracy for each BD-R media

Writing to media In order to improve the accuracy of quality, the "BD-R optimum double speed recording function" that automatically selects and writes the optimum recording double speed for various BD-R media in consideration of various media parameters. "(Quality priority automatic recording speed selection function) is installed. This function is recommended when you want to place the highest priority on "recording accuracy" as well as speed.

"BD-R recording surface-oriented mode" that emphasizes the appearance of BD-R media after recording

Conventional recording surface / recording surface-oriented mode

Equipped with a "recording surface-oriented mode" that further reduces the apparent unevenness of the media after recording while maintaining high-precision recording performance. You can use it with confidence even for distribution purposes.

DVD-R CLV fixing function

When recording a DVD-R, the recording method is fixed to CLV. It is possible to make the apparent unevenness of the disc less noticeable while maintaining the recording accuracy. It is effective for distribution purposes that are expected to be played on an unspecified number of DVD devices.

Equipped with high-performance pickup developed, designed and manufactured in-house

Equipped with a high-performance pickup developed by Pioneer, the recording accuracy is further improved.

High recording accuracy "disc resonance stabilizer" even during high-speed recording

The faster the write and read speeds, the faster the rotation will cause the outer circumference of the disc to bend, causing errors. The "disc resonance stabilizer" responds to the error caused by this deflection. By attaching a protrusion to the position where the disc bends due to resonance, the gap through which the wind that occurs when the disc rotates is narrowed, and the wind suppresses the deflection of the disc, reducing errors. The "disk resonance stabilizer" realizes stable writing and reading with high accuracy in all three resonance patterns generated during drive operation. The BDR-S13J-X maintains high recording accuracy even during BD-R recording at maximum 16x speed * .

  • BD-R 16x speed writing can be recorded on SONY, RITEK, and MKM 6x speed BD-R discs. Other major 6x BD-R discs can be written at a maximum of 12x. BD-R DL 14x speed writing can be recorded on Panasonic 6x speed BD-R discs (double layer). Please see the latest media list for more discs to be added in the future.

When there is no disc resonance stabilizer / Disc resonance stabilizer

Evolved dustproof and quiet performance

Discerning quietness and dustproofness

The high-performance top plate structure enhances dustproof and quiet performance.

  • Advanced dustproof design that thoroughly keeps dust and dirt out of the drive
  • Adopting a high-performance honeycomb case By
    preventing the generation of vibration and improving the airtightness, it suppresses the generation of unnecessary resonance at high speed rotation, leads to stable writing, and also improves quietness and dustproofness. ..

Acoustic countermeasure pad / BDR-S13J-X dustproof to prevent unnecessary vibration and inflow of air.  Quiet pad

Improved the inside of the housing. Improves dustproof and quietness, and controls the rise in internal temperature due to high-speed rotation

Cold flow path inside the tray
  • Equipped with a unique honeycomb structure that has a proven track record in Pioneer's audio component products, and a BD-compatible silent tray adopted from the BDR-S03J. The generation of noise is suppressed by controlling the flow of wind generated by the rotation of the disc. The electrical board of BDR-S13J-X reduces the board area to about 1/3 of that of BDR-S03J and expands the internal space of the housing. 
  • This makes the circulation of the wind that occurs inside more efficient, and controls the local temperature rise of the pickup part and the disc surface that occur during high-speed rotation of the disc and long-term rotation. In addition, we pursued noise reduction in every detail, such as adjusting the position of dustproof and soundproof pads and further sealing the front bezel. Thorough quiet design reduces operating noise (noise). You can use it with confidence for a long time.

The effect of dirt on the drive optical system is measured by an accelerated test.  (According to our measurement standards)

Strengthen resistance to dust and dust and extend life

In addition to the conventional high dustproof performance, the drive  software has been improved to reduce the deterioration of disc reading performance due to dust, dust, cigarette smoke, etc. As a result, the service life is about twice as long as that of the conventional model.

Dust cycle test (using a dust tester)

"Advanced silent firmware" that allows writing according to the scene

Image of disc rotation speed during music playback and music data copy

The standard firmware automatically controls the rotation speed of the disk according to the application. For example, when playing video or audio, rotate the disc at a low speed to keep it quiet, and when saving data to a hard disk, rotate the disc at a high speed to achieve high performance.

Strengthening the creation to comfortably enjoy good images and good sounds

  • Equipped with video & audio mode
  • A mode has been added that makes it easier to concentrate on viewing by turning off the blue LED when playing discs.

In addition, the enhanced original performance is inherited from BDR-S07J to further improve safety.

Even in the event of a disk trouble, we have achieved 16x speed operation with a safety design that takes into consideration every detail so that the damage to the customer is minimized.

Designed for higher safety Improves safety in the unlikely event of a disc crack.

Contributes to more stable operation and more stable system construction

Stable operation of the drive even in a harsh operating environment that occurs unexpectedly

When using poor quality discs that do not comply with standards, scratched / dirty discs, or when the power supply is unstable, the performance is as high as possible, and the discs can be written and read in a stable manner. increase.

Function comparison table

Supports Ultra HD Blu-ray ○ ○ ○ ○
M-DISC compatible ○ ○ ○ ○
CD-DA (CD audio) disc quality check function ○ ○ ×
PureRead 4+ ○ ○ ○ ○
"Custom eco function" ○ ○ ○ ○
Disc information display ○ ○ ○ ○
"Random setting" ○ ○ ○ ○
"Dustproof / silent front bezel" ○ ○ ○ ○
"Advance Honeycomb Heat Dissipation Quiet Case" ○ ○ ○ ○
"High-quality loading mechanism and anti-vibration coating" ○ ○ ×
"Exterior special anti-vibration heat dissipation coating" ○ ○ ×
"Low noise electrolytic capacitor" ○ ○ ×
"Low resistance flat cable" ○ ○ ×
"Vibration-proof cushion / vibration-proof rubber" ○ ○ ×
"Loading motor made by a domestic manufacturer" ○ ○ ×
"Copper plated screw" ○ ○ ×
Drive utility ○ ○ ○ ○
"Quiet and dustproof mechanism" ○ ○ ○ ○
BDXL compatible ○ ○ ○ ○
BD optimum double speed recording function ○ ○ ○ ○
Optimal recording strategy prediction algorithm ○ ○ ○ ○
Recording surface-oriented mode ○ ○ ○ ○
CLV recording mode ○ ○ ○ ○


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