Cybershaft Palladium OCXO 10MHz 時鐘
超高性價比10M時鐘,結合了網絡豎井的技術和專有技術。配備超高精度OCXO Type5和單輸出,在保持高性能的同時降低了價格。 除了專用於外部直流電源外,它還配備了超低噪聲,超高PSRR穩壓器電路,該電路還配備了兩個下一代線性穩壓器LT3045。
提供超低相位噪聲-111dBc / Hz至-117dBc / Hz(@偏移1Hz)OP11至OP17等級。
- 該產品採用新型OCXO Type5,並通過長期校準來選擇和安裝具有出色穩定性的設備。
- OCXO單元增加了由隔熱板組成的堅固隔熱箱,以保持OCXO性能最大化的環境。
- 它被設計為最緊湊和高性能的網絡豎井時鐘產品。
- 輸出可以設置為50Ω或75Ω阻抗。 (已註冊實用新計劃)
- 您可以設置將輸出GND電位連接到主機的GND還是隔離它。 (已註冊實用的新建議)可以精細地處理每個音頻系統不同的複雜GND處理。
- 由外部DC電源提供的DC以兩單元結構在該單元內部以超低噪聲和超高PSRR調節LT3045。真正乾淨的DC已提供給OCXO。
- 對於內部基板,使用厚度為正常厚度的兩倍的70μm的銅箔基板。內部佈局已經過多次驗證,處於最佳狀態。
- 配備了LED監視器,可使烤箱電路正常運行並控制OCXO單元的溫度。
- 使用高精度校準的測量儀器嚴格測量特性。通過繪製每個單元輸出部分的相位噪聲和艾倫色散,可以保證時鐘質量。

CYBERSHAFT LT3045電源2 通過使用兩個並聯的LT3045分配電流來獲得最大PSRR的電路中,來自外部DC端子的DC輸入被調節為12V,並且非常乾淨的DC被提供給OCXO。

- 可以在“與外殼GND隔離”或“外殼GND”之間切換輸出GND電位。如果本機輸出的GND共同接地,則當連接多個設備時,每個設備的GND電位差會流過連接電纜的GND,這會產生稱為GND環路的噪聲。
- 因此,通常最好將每個輸出的GND與噪聲輸出隔離。根據所使用的系統,每個設備的GND可能已正確接地。如果每個設備之間沒有這樣的GND電位差,則將輸出GND接地到機箱GND可能會獲得更好的噪聲效果。
- 由於音頻系統的環境各不相同,因此您可以根據自己的環境選擇最合適的方法。本機的底板配有外殼GND端子。
- 本設備設計為只能使用外部直流電源進行操作。確保准備外部直流電源。我們建議使用我們的專用電源(LTPW01P),但是如果規格匹配,您可以使用自己喜歡的線性電源。
- 外部DC規格為13.5V至16V 1A。推薦電壓為15V。 LT3045甚至可以在輸入和輸出電壓之間相差1V的情況下很好地消除噪聲。規格內的輸入/輸出電壓差越小,LT3045的性能就會越好。因此,它可以在13.5V的電壓下工作,以獲得良好的無噪聲直流電源。
- 外部DC插頭標準為2.1mm / 5.5mm。也可以使用普通的DC插頭
- 產品中安裝的OCXO可長時間校準工業設備中使用的產品,並使用特性良好的設備。為了最佳地選擇音頻時鐘,我們全面評估可以進一步檢查的相位噪聲特性和短期穩定性(艾倫色散)
什麼是OCXO Type5?
- 我們購買並使用了精密測量設備製造商大量的高精度OCXO(新產品)。
- 交付後的幾個月內,我們會在內部對其進行校準,並且僅選擇和使用具有理想特性的個人作為非常穩定的音頻時鐘。 (未披露製造商名稱和型號。)與類型3和類型4相比,在音質方面的性能沒有任何妥協。 庫存數量有限。
Palladium 系列OP等級選擇值
- 在對新的OCXO單元進行幾個月的校准後,本產品中安裝的OCXO使用穩定的個人設備。為了執行最佳選擇作為音頻時鐘,我們對相位噪聲特性和短期穩定性(Allen偏差)進行了全面評估,可以對其進行更仔細的研究。
- 無法僅通過測量內置OCXO單元的輸出特性來評估產品。我們的校準測量不是直接從OCXO單元的輸出進行,而是從本產品的輸出端子進行,以評估所有性能,包括緩衝電路。
Allen 偏差短期穩定性參考值 (アラン分散 短期安定度 Offset 1Hz 参考値)
[OP17] TAU = 1sec 3.8E-13 以下 (0.00038ppb/s) (-117dBc/Hz below)
[OP16] TAU = 1sec 4.2E-13 以下 (0.00042ppb/s) (-116dBc/Hz below)
[OP15] TAU = 1sec 4.6E-13 以下 (0.00046ppb/s) (-115dBc/Hz below)
[OP14] TAU = 1sec 5.1E-13 以下 (0.00051ppb/s) (-114dBc/Hz below)
[OP13] TAU = 1sec 5.6E-13 以下 (0.00056ppb/s) (-113dBc/Hz below)
[OP12] TAU = 1sec 6.0E-13 以下 (0.00060ppb/s) (-112dBc/Hz below)
[OP11] TAU = 1sec 6.5E-13 以下 (0.00065ppb/s) (-111dBc/Hz below)
“ ESOTERIC Grandioso K1X,K1,P1X,P1X,P1,D1X,D1,K-01Xs,K-01X,K-01,K-03Xs,K-03X,K-03,K-05Xs,K-05X,K -05,K-07Xs,K-07X,K-07,D-02X,D-02,D-05X,D-07X,P-021,P-02X 、、 N-01XD,N-01,N- 03T,N-05,G-0,G-0s,G-0Rb,G-02,G-03X,G-25U,TASCAM CG1000 / dCS維瓦爾第時鐘,帕格尼尼時鐘,斯卡拉蒂時鐘/ MUTEC iCLOCK,MC-3 + ,MC-3 + USB /羚羊音頻等時線OCX HD,OCX-V,OCX,三位一體/ BRAINSTORM DCD-8 / Phaseteck HD-7A / Phasemation HD-7A192 / SFORZATO DSP-01,DSP-Vera,DSP-Dorado,DST -01,DSP-03,DSP-05 / TEAC UD-503,UD-505,NT-503,NT-505 / SPEC RMP-X1 /聲霸SWD-CL10 / TechDAS D-7,D7i / RATOC RAL-DSDHA2 / M2TECH EVO DAC TWO PLUS,HIFACE EVO TWO / CH Precision C1,D1 / aurender W20 / soulnote D-2,S-3 / SOTM sMS-200ultra,tX-USBultra,SOTM sNH-10G(均需要主時鐘輸入功能)/ GUSTARD U16 / iFi Audio Pro iDSD / UpTone音頻EtherREGEN /音頻Gd DI-20HE,DI-20,R-7HE(版本2 020),R-7(2020版)“
- 配備超低相位噪聲OCXO Type5的10MHz振盪器
- 附件使用說明書,測試報告,相位噪聲/艾倫色散特性圖
- BNC電纜是單獨出售的選件。
- 輸出:10MHz x 1系統正弦波
- 輸出電平:在50歐姆下固定為1.6Vp-p(誤差±10%)
- 輸出阻抗:50歐姆/ 75歐姆開關類型
- 輸出GND電位:可在主機GND /絕緣之間切換
- 機身尺寸:機身尺寸:W110xD212xH70(包括突起)H78mm(使用可選釘時)
- 重量約1公斤
- 外部直流電源:直流13.5V至16V 0.8A建議電壓14V
- 外部直流插頭標準:2.1毫米/5.5毫米可以擰入
- 2年免費維修保修
- *設計和規格如有更改,恕不另行通知。

型番:CYB-LN03 販売価格¥23,100 (税込) 10月25日発売開始

推薦給想要引入更高等級線性電源的人,例如使用精心挑選的零件並安裝交流噪聲濾波器。 由於鍾表本體LT3045電源的協同作用,該電源的時鐘輸出測量特性值等於高純度外部電源(LTPW01)的時鐘輸出測量特性值。 對每個單元的網絡軸質量進行了測試。
輸出電壓:15V 2系統
隨附的直流電纜:0.75m x 1
* 2由於它是輸出,因此可以通過添加電纜與分配器一起使用。
- This product adopts a new OCXO Type5, and selects and mounts a unit with outstanding stability by long-term calibration.
- A robust heat insulation case made up of a heat shield board is added to the OCXO unit to maintain an environment where the performance of OCXO can be maximized.
- It is a design that aims for the smallest size and high performance among cyber shaft clock products.
- Uses aluminum die-cast 3-point support feet that can be stable on any installation surface. It can be replaced with an optional spike insulator with a 4 mm screw.
- The output can be set to an impedance of 50Ω or 75Ω. (Registered utility model)
- You can set whether to connect the output GND potential to the main unit's GND or to isolate it. (Registered utility model) It is possible to handle complicated GND processing that differs for each audio system in detail.
- The DC supplied from the external DC power supply regulates the LT3045 with ultra-low noise and ultra-high PSRR inside this unit with a two-unit structure. A truly clean DC is supplied to OCXO.
- For the internal substrate, a copper foil substrate with a thickness of 70 μm, which is twice the normal thickness, is used. The internal layout, which has been verified many times, is in the best condition.
- Equipped with an LED monitor that allows the oven circuit to operate normally and control the OCXO unit temperature.
- Strictly measure the characteristics using a high-precision calibrated measuring instrument. The clock quality is guaranteed by plotting the phase noise and allan variance in the output section for each unit.
- It comes with a 2-year free repair warranty.
Platinum / GOLD / Silver clock performance selection value
- The OCXO installed in this product uses a stable individual after several months of calibration of a new OCXO unit.
- In order to perform the optimum selection as a clock for audio, we perform a comprehensive evaluation of the phase noise characteristics and the short-term stability (Alan deviation) that can be examined more closely.
- The product cannot be evaluated by measuring only the output characteristics of the built-in OCXO unit.
- Our calibration measurement is not directly on the output of the OCXO unit, but is measured from the output terminal of this product in order to evaluate all the performance including the buffer circuit.
- Sorting standard value
- Phase noise: -104 to -109 dBc / Hz or less at offset 1 Hz; -125 dBc / Hz or less at offset 10 Hz (common)
Output GND insulation / shell GND selection function
- The output GND potential can be switched between "Isolated from the housing GND" or "Shell GND". If the GND output from this unit is grounded together, when multiple devices are connected, the GND potential difference of each device will flow through the GND of the connecting cable, which will cause noise called GND loop.
- Therefore, it is usually best to isolate the GND of each output from the noise output. Depending on the system used, the GND of each device may be properly grounded. If there is no such GND potential difference between each device, grounding the output GND to the chassis GND may obtain better noise effects.
- Since the environment of the audio system is different, you can choose the most suitable method according to your environment. The bottom plate of this machine is equipped with the GND terminal of the shell.
External LPS power supply
- This device is designed to operate only with external DC power. Make sure to prepare an external DC power supply. We recommend using our dedicated power supply (LTPW01P), but if the specifications match, you can use your favorite linear power supply.
- The external DC specification is 13.5V to 16V 1A. The recommended voltage is 15V. The LT3045 can eliminate noise even when the input and output voltages differ by 1V. The smaller the input / output voltage difference within the specifications, the better the performance of the LT3045. Therefore, it can work at a voltage of 13.5V to obtain a good noise-free DC power supply.
- The external DC plug standard is 2.1mm / 5.5mm. Or you can use ordinary DC plug
Ultimate OP level selection value
The OCXO installed in the product can calibrate the products used in industrial equipment for a long time, and use equipment with good characteristics. In order to optimally select the audio clock, we comprehensively evaluate the phase noise characteristics and short-term stability (Allen dispersion) that can be further checked
OP selection value of MA series
The OCXO installed in this product uses a stable OCXO unit that has been calibrated for several months. In order to make the best choice of audio clock, we are conducting a comprehensive evaluation of phase noise characteristics and short-term stability (Allen dispersion) for a more detailed inspection.
It is impossible to evaluate the product only by measuring the output characteristics of the built-in OCXO unit. The measured value of our calibration is not directly output by the OCXO unit, but measured from the output terminal of this product, in order to evaluate all performance including the buffer circuit.
Choose a base value
Phase noise: -119 to -113 dBc / Hz or lower at 1 Hz offset (OP distinction) -137 dBc / Hz or lower at 10 Hz offset (total)
Allan variance short-term stability reference value (Offset 1Hz 参考値) :
[OP17] TAU = 1sec 3.8E-13 以下 (0.00038ppb/s) (-117dBc/Hz below)
[OP16] TAU = 1sec 4.2E-13 以下 (0.00042ppb/s) (-116dBc/Hz below)
[OP15] TAU = 1sec 4.6E-13 以下 (0.00046ppb/s) (-115dBc/Hz below)
[OP14] TAU = 1sec 5.1E-13 以下 (0.00051ppb/s) (-114dBc/Hz below)
[OP13] TAU = 1sec 5.6E-13 以下 (0.00056ppb/s) (-113dBc/Hz below)
[OP12] TAU = 1sec 6.0E-13 以下 (0.00060ppb/s) (-112dBc/Hz below)
[OP11] TAU = 1sec 6.5E-13 以下 (0.00065ppb/s) (-111dBc/Hz below)
The above values are not standard catalog values (typical values), but guaranteed values, which are measured separately, so the product quality is constant. There is no so-called "decay".
Compatible audio products
"ESOTERIC Grandioso K1X、K1、P1X、P1X、P1、D1X、D1、K-01Xs、K-01X、K-01、K-03Xs、K-03X、K-03、K-05Xs、K-05X、K-05、K-07Xs、K-07X、K-07、D-02X、D-02、D-05X、D-07X、P-021、P-02X、、N-01XD、N-01、N-03T、N-05、G-0、G-0s、G-0Rb、G-02、G-03X、G-25U、TASCAM CG1000 / dCS Vivaldi clock、Paganini clock、Scarlatti Clock / MUTEC iCLOCK、MC-3+、MC-3+USB / Antelope Audio Isochrone OCX HD、OCX-V、OCX、TRINITY / BRAINSTORM DCD-8 / Phaseteck HD-7A / Phasemation HD-7A192 / SFORZATO DSP-01、DSP-Vera、DSP-Dorado、DSP-Pavo、DST-01、DSP-03、DSP-05 / TEAC UD-503、UD-505、NT-503、NT-505 / SPEC RMP-X1 / Sound Warrior SWD-CL10 / TechDAS D-7、D7i / RATOC RAL-DSDHA2 / M2TECH EVO DAC TWO PLUS、HIFACE EVO TWO / CH Precision C1,D1 / aurender W20/ soulnote D-2、S-3 / SOtM sMS-200ultra、tX-USBultra、SOtM sNH-10G (いずれも要 マスタークロック入力機能) /SHENZHENAUDIO GUSTARD U16、Singher SU-2 / iFi Audio Pro iDSD / UpTone Audio EtherREGEN / Audio Gd DI-20HE、DI-20、R-7HE (version 2020)、R-7 (version 2020)"
他、10MHzクロック入力があるマスタークロックジェネレーター、CDP、DDC、DAC、Audio HUB 等
Technical index
- 10MHz oscillator with ultra-low phase noise OCXO Type5
- Accessories Instruction manual, test report, phase noise / allan dispersion characteristic graph
- A BNC cable is available as an option sold separately.
- Output: 10MHz x 1 system sine wave
- Output level: 1.6Vp-p fixed (error ± 10%) at 50 ohms
- Output impedance: 50 ohm / 75 ohm switching type
- Output GND potential: Switchable between main unit GND / insulation
Body size:
- Body size: W110xD212xH70 (including protrusions) H78mm when using optional spikes
- Weight about 1 kg
- External DC power supply: DC 13.5V to 16V 0.8A Recommended voltage 14V
- External DC plug standard: 2.1 mm / 5.5 mm can be screwed in
- 2 year free repair warranty ○ Domestic product liability insurance products
- * Design and specifications are subject to change without notice for improvement.