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AfterDark. Project ClayX I2S to HDMI I2S Bridge Interface for I2S HDMI DAC

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AfterDark. Project ClayX I2S to HDMI I2S Bridge Interface for I2S DAC CFS EVO Edition

電磁干擾(EMI)在設計I2S Bridge時,以盡量減少對射頻干擾和其他形式的EMI的影響。材料選擇,物理佈局,接地實踐,並且數碼線設計都已被指定,以減少電磁場對本機性能的影響。然而,與此同時,店主的主要目標是在正常的家庭環境中準確地再現錄音室錄製的音樂. 

AfterDark. x 音響夜冷店 2018推出新產品: Project ClayX I2S to HDMI I2S Bridge Interface for I2S DAC
店主設計這I2S Bridge用於 fusionCAS, daisyCASaudiophileCAS Digital Transport Device (DTD) or any Raspberry Pi 3 Model B +。

I2S(Inter-IC Sound Bus)是飛利浦公司為數字音頻設備之間的音頻數據傳輸而制定的一種總線標準。在飛利浦公司的I2S標準中,既規定了硬件接口規範,也規定了數字音頻數據的格式。

  • 串行時鐘SCLK,也叫位時鐘(BCLK),即對應數字音頻的每一位數據,SCLK都有1個脈衝。SCLK的頻率=2×採樣頻率×採樣位數
  • 幀時鐘LRCK,用於切換左右聲道的數據。LRCK為「1」表示正在傳輸的是左聲道的數據,為「0」則表示正在傳輸的是右聲道的數據。LRCK的頻率等於採樣頻率。
  • 串行數據SDATA,就是用二進制補碼表示的音頻數據。

“cpu直出i2s真正火力全開, 初聽感覺像cd轉成sacd, 爛錄音變的更噴飯像是轉檔失敗一樣, 製作棒的果然是歌姬琴神.以前學長說, usb介面聲音輸i2s輸到連車尾燈都看不到, 當時的我竟然把他的話當放屁,現在感受到了, usb dac隔層紗的音質依舊復在” 

“i2s是dac ic與數位音源最直接的橋樑, 有做過功課的鄉親朋友, 都知道i2s是最好的無能出其右, 其他任何傳輸介面都比不上它”

What is I2S?
  • I2S is used in all audiophile CD Transport, connecting the reading mechanism to the DAC or SPDIF output.
  • I2s is used also on every Exotic audiophile DAC.
  • If it’s USB or SPDIF, I2S is the signal pathway from the USB receiver (e.g XMOS) to the audiophile DAC chip.
  • I2S bypass a repeated encoding or decoding process at USB connection.
  • Afterdark. provide a innovative solution for audiophile to experience the full potential of I2S interface with their Raspberry Pi 3 system.
  • Since I2S is the standard protocol on digital audio signal transmission. 
The Project ClayX I2S to HDMI I2S Bridge Interface Device is based on AfterDark. Project ClayX Palette I2S DAC Evo Edition designed with a separate Linear Power Supply providing passive and active stabilization. 

In order to obtain an excellent transfer of the I2S signal through the HDMI cable, which is used between the raspberry Pi 3 and the I2S DAC, the silver plated cables is used to ensure the I2S signal is buffered with very fast line drivers. 

All capacitors, used on the Project ClayX I2S to HDMI I2S Bridge Interface Device are “Audiophile Grade”. The circuit design is so short and clean, which can ensure all the digital signal can pass though it perfectly to I2S DAC. 
The Project ClayX I2S to HDMI I2S Bridge Interface Device can work perfectly on the list of DACs provided with an I2S HDMI input.
AfterDark. has been developed very innovative approaches for I2S to I2S HDMI Bridge Interface Device with Raspberry Pi 3 which audiophile can ensure their I2S DAC is in excellent sound performance:
  • Reduce EMI interference by separate I2S to I2S HDMI Bridge Interface Device away from the raspberry pi. It is because the owner believed that it is always a good idea to separate audio module, power module and avoid EMI from the high frequency of CPU processor.  
  • Try to minimize the jitter by using high quality Audio Grade components, silver plated I2S cables and optimize all the circuit path as short as possible.
  • Build an external DC plug with good quality Linear Power Supplies (LPS) for I2S to I2S HDMI Bridge Interface Device, the owner believe the power quality is extreme important to digital signal and sound quality.
  • Try to reduce the interference on I2S to I2S HDMI Bridge Interface Device with better shielding material on Carbon Fiber Shielding (CFS) cables, EMI shielding sheet apply on major components and 3mm thick Carbon Fiber Board on top layer of I2S device.
  • Try to build an excellent signal path for Hi-Res Audio using industrial quality components.
  • Increase the shock stabilization on I2S DAC. Special absorber material is applied under the large heavy mass of aluminum metal to ensure audiophile I2S HDMI cable have rigid support.


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