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AfterDark. Project ClayX Black Lake Extreme Carbon Fiber Woven USB Cable


AfterDark. Project ClayX Black Lake Carbon Fiber Woven USB Cable 

電磁干擾(EMI)在設計數碼線時,以盡量減少對射頻干擾和其他形式的EMI的影響。材料選擇,物理佈局,接地實踐,並且數碼線設計都已被指定,以減少電磁場對本機性能的影響。然而,與此同時,店主的主要目標是在正常的家庭環境中準確地再現錄音室錄製的音樂. 店主得到了黑湖的靈感,背景是深色的,而舞台劇烈而深刻。

AfterDark. x 音響夜冷店 2022推出新產品: Black Lake USB Cable碳纖維屏蔽USB數碼線 

碳纖維起源於航空材料,但隨著這種材料的使用越來越廣泛,碳纖維屏蔽已經成功地解決電子設備與EMI(電磁干擾), 成功用碳纖維複合屏蔽方式應用於發燒音響USB數碼線上. 因此,店主在產品線引入了Carbon Fiber Shielding(CFS)技術. 


  • One Layer of Carbon Fiber Shielding (CFS) woven for EMI shielding and Two Layers of aluminum foils for high frequency effective shielding: This will prevent external noise from getting to the signal conductors, shields the shield of the cable to further prevent the ingress of noise (RFI, etc.) into the ground plane.
  • Silver Plated 99.999% Oxygen Free Copper (OFC) conductors
  • High speed low-loss gas-foamed polyethylene insulation: high quality insulation for cables that has less impact on the signal and insulates the conductors well.
  • Gold plated USB A to B Connectors.


  • AfterDark Back Lake USB Cable got better sense of space in the sound-stage with exceptional clarity and delicate resolution reproduction. 
  • When designing the Black Lake USB Cable, we are very aware of how important a clean ground plane is in digital audio. Because it acts as the reference for every calculation of voltage in the digital audio system, the cleaner you can keep your ground plane, the cleaner your audio will sound thanks to the prevention of significant amounts of jitters and noise. 
  • The Black Lake USB is a big step to apply the Carbon Fiber Shielding to keep the ground plane cleaner and eliminate the noise by apply 3 layers of shielding, just to ensure the digital signal is always in optimal level. 
  • “Connecting the Black Lake USB brought a depth and timbre to my music that I haven’t heard before” The reviewer after listen to Black Lake USB cable. “Definitely, the Carbon Fiber Shielding do have very positive impact on any digital cables, like USB cable”  
  • After applying Carbon Fiber Shielding to the cable, the signal is unchanged in its overall character / signature, but everything just got clearer and more open. There was more space in the sound, both in the overall size of the sound-stage, but also in terms of the space around each instrument / sound. 
  • By apply Carbon Fiber Shielding (CFS), it improve isolated ground plane allowing every sound to be more accurately rendered by the DAC with no hash / background noise to muddy the end signal.
  • Black Lake USB cable can help to prevent noise from reaching your DAC so an audiophile DAC will benefit from a carbon fiber shielding cable upgrade. In fact, any affordable DAC will generally handle noise worse than an expensive DAC so the cable may be even more important.

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