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Raspberry Pi 週刊 第三期

July 04, 2018

Raspberry Pi 週刊 第三期

今天是一個好期待的一周,店主注意到周圍的人更多地談論樹莓pi3。店主本週將討論AfterDark x Raspberry Pi3的核心產品。

客戶總是問我為什麼要開始Raspberry Pi 3業務? 店主目標是什麼?

店主試圖在短時間內開始小型網店。因此,店主在2017年第一季度開始在香港銷售二手美國墙座。從一些銷售二手美國墙座利潤開始. 我們試圖用不同的方法製造一些產品。店主相信產品必須有一個明確的信息, 目標客戶被指定是Niche Market sector。

店主嘗試將一些創新產品和獨特的“香港製造與設計”結合起來。如果有某種創新,對開發新產品的熱愛,重新調和一些香港DIY手工製造元素的商品, 發燒友會真的很高興。主要目標是使用業餘時間, 創做一些新產品結識更多發燒友。

AfterDark. 店開放時間很少見, 每天於晚上8時開放至11時,以方便發燒友下班後時間試聽.

從一次偶遇開始認識Raspberry Pi 3...
有一天,店主會見了一位在I.T.的工作的朋友。朋友在中環太子大廈工作。他是耳機的發燒友,有一天,他在老闆的房間裡展示了透明的Raspberry Pi 3音頻系統。

他說:這個pi 3聽起來很不錯,音質很好,細節也很密集,你應該試著為你的家建一個。Pi 3在美國,日本真的很受歡迎.

店主說:我使用的是Intel Xeon 3.84GHz PC,ECC RAM,運行Linux Daphile,使用Weiss INT202,Siltech Golden Firewire。 我可以比較一下。

店主說:。已經快一個月了。好的,讓我從供應商處購買零件. 店主剛剛在Review33上找到了一些二手樹莓派3。讓店主開始基於Pi 3的研究和開發,從Raspberry OS軟件開始。 Raspbian OS,NOOB,Runeaudio,Volumio,MoodeAudio,PiCoreplayer, Retropie, KODI OSMC,BerryBoot。

店主說:哦,已經一個星期不睡, 做軟件研究和開發. 軟件安裝對於入門用戶來說太複雜了。店主想要開發的東西很容易使用,要以顧客的想法設計產品, 即插即用。這樣一般發燒友可以放心購買和在家享受。

軟件測試每兩個星期進行一次。店主最終確認使用一個MicroSD卡在啟動時使用NOOBs OS加載程序在2個OS上進行雙啟動。用戶可以在啟動屏幕上單獨啟動Runeaudio OS和KODI OSMC。

店主開始用Raspberry Pi 3聽音樂,結果令人震驚。音樂是如此的流暢和驚人的聲音。令人震驚的是,店主正在測試放在桌子上的裸派Raspberry Pi 3。我以上的電腦設置是完全是KO。那一刻我還是不敢相信.

店主開始修改和設計Raspberry Pi 3 CAS版本, 以CAS顧客的想法, 追求極簡主義的想法下設計音響發燒產品。

店主考慮到音響是一樣生活品,音色取向是由品牌領導人的品味主導, 因為這個概念,一種表達. 店主開始建立自己的獨特設計,建立自己品牌調音手法. AfterDark.相信音響發燒產品都是在跟設計的人和事交流着. 

相信我們將是第一個在Raspberry Pi 3上使用這種工業EMI屏蔽材料的公司。結果是,我們將所有調整應用於聲音調節後,音質得到了極大的改善。

後來,店主認為電源是音質非常重要的一部分,我們在市場上嘗試了5種不同的LPS線性電源是令人驚訝的,因為它們使用的濾波器或電子調節器,它們聽起來都非常不同。我們嘗試並進行了聽力測試,我們拿出了一個在Raspberry Pi 3平台上聽起來很不錯的LPS。


最後,店主建立了發燒友香港市場上獨一無二的Raspberry Pi 發燒友版。顧客總是對店主說,我應該早些使用AfterDark。audiophileCAS DTD,為我節省了在CAS上投資PC / MAC的成本。這款發燒音響系統絕對是市場上獨一無二的Digital Transport Device。


交換開關電源VS線性電源用在Raspberry Pi聽起來有什麼不同?

"線性電源確切來說是中下盤愈益豐沛,高頻毛躁感減少,整體愈趨平衡, 就我個人而言主觀認為是變好的.明確的說是唇齒音較明顯,吞嚥聲較沒黏滯感,情感上較為爽朗乾脆. 線電的線條起伏很和緩,有著適度的兩端延伸, 線電的高頻較線電明亮但不刮耳,低頻較線電沉潛量多且層次明確.

交換電的抑仰頓挫較為明顯,較富速度感與衝擊力,兩端延伸更為優異. 前面提到的吉他撥弦,一撥下去的低頻的重量感,層次感,高頻的明亮度, 琴體共鳴聲的清晰度,各弦線間不同音高的辨識度及人聲與樂器的分離度."

It was a great week today, the shop owner notices people around talking more about Raspberry pi3. The shop owner this week will talk about the core product of AfterDark x Raspberry Pi3. 

The shop owner try to start the small home business at stretch. Therefore, the shop owner start to sell the 2nd hand US inlet socket in Hong Kong in 2017. 

Customer always ask me why start Raspberry Pi business? What is your goal? 

Started with some retained profit, we try to make some product in different approach. The shop owner always believe there must be some niche market for this sector. We tried to think of some innovative product together with unique "Hong Kong Made and Design". People will be really appreciate if there is some kind of innovative, passion for develop new product. 

One day the shop owner meet a friend who is working in I.T. sector working in Prince building Central. He is audiophile with his headphone, one day he shows me the Raspberry Pi 3 audio system in transparent arylic case where he made in his boss room. 

He said: This pi 3 sounds so good in sound quality and very dense details, you should have try to build one for your home.

The shop owner said: Ok, Let me buy the parts from vendor. It was almost 1 months. I just found some 2nd hand Raspberry Pi 3 on Review33. Lets start my research and development based on Pi 3, starting with Raspberry OS softwares. Raspbian OS, NOOBs, Runeaudio, Volumio, MoodeAudio, KODI OSMC, BerryBoot. 

The shop owner said: Oh, the software install is too complicated for entry user.  The shop owner want to develop something is easy to use and plug and Play. So that people can purchase and enjoy at home. 

The software tesing goes on everynight for 2 weeks. The shop owner finally confirms to use one MicroSD card to dual boot on 2 OS on startup with NOOBs OS loader. 
User can boot Runeaudio OS and KODI OSMC on startup screen individually.  

the shop owner start to listen to music with Raspberry Pi 3, the result is shocking. The music is so smooth and sound amazing. Beleived me, the shop owner was testing the Raspberry Pi 3 in bared on the anti-stick working platform. 

audiophile in CAS, the shop owner start to mod and design the case with audiophile sound tuning in mind. 

The shop owner start to build his propertiary Hong Kong design, believed that we will be the first one to use this industrial EMI shielding material on Raspberry Pi 3. The result is the sound quality was greatly improved after we apply all the tweak on  sound tuning. 

Later on, the shop owner beleived the power supply plays a very important part of sound quality, it is amazing that we tried 5 different Linear Power Supply in the market, they all sounds very differently due to the filter or electric regulator they used inside. We tried and perform listening test, we come up with one LPS which sounds very nice in Raspberry Pi 3 platform. 

Afterthat, we perform MicroSD card listening test, again they all sound different. From consumer grade, to industrial grade. Finally, we are very satisfy the sound performance with industrial MLC, the charity and details is just excellent and cannot compared with consumer grade, although this cost 5 times vs consumer grade one. 

Finally, we build a audiophileCAS version which is unique in the audiophile HK market. People always said to the shop owner, I should have using AfterDark. audiophileCAS earlier, to save me the cost of investing PC/MAC on CAS. This audiophileCAS is absolutely the reference audio render and digital transport in the market. 

Technical Insight:
Sound quality between Linear Power Supply and Switching Power Supply on Pi 3? 

LPS specifically speaking, more and more performing abundance, high frequency frizz less, the overall more balanced, as far as I'm concerned, subjective thinking is a good thing, and it is clear that the lip-tooth sound is more pronounced, swallowing sound is less viscous, and emotionally heartier.

Line ups and downs of the line is very gentle, with a moderate extension of both ends, the suppression of the exchange of frustrated power is more obvious, richer sense of speed and impact, both ends of the extension is more excellent.

On the other hand. Switching Power Supply, the high frequency of electric wire is brighter than the electric wire but does not scratch the ear, and the low frequency is more than the electric wire and has a clear level.

Mentioned earlier guitar plectrum, a wave of low-frequency weight, sense of hierarchy, high-frequency brightness,

The resonance of the piano body articulation, the recognition of different pitch between the strings and the separation of vocal and instrumentalities. 

Happy Chinese New Year 2025

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