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Raspberry Pi 週刊 第七期

July 04, 2018

Raspberry Pi 週刊 第七期

本週店主會談用於樹莓派的GPIO / DC Cable。

為什麼不Raspberry Pi 3上使用MicroUSB? 為什麼使用GPIO端口為Raspberry Pi 3供電,有什麼好處?

該電纜由我們的VIP客戶開發。他建議Raspberry Pi 3的瓶頸是電源線,所以他問店主是否可以不使用microUSB和USB A插頭的情況下輸入電源?

店主答復他:答案是肯定的,店主答應他為他手工製作發燒級的直流電纜。 “DC插頭”,電源線和碳纖維屏蔽(CFS)技術上的材料。

店主開發和設計上花費了近2個月的時間,這是因為在Raspberry Pi 3上沒有大廠為Raspberry Pi 3's GPIO端口製作DC Cable。這種電源線的設計是店主精心設計的,設計避免用戶損壞GPIO和主板。因此,店主為Project ClayX設計專門的GPIO DC 5V插頭。非常獨特和適合直流電線。設計非常靈活,以後可以插入其他升級選項。

所以,我們發布了一個名為AfterDark的新電源線。 AfterDark. Progressive Project ClayX GPIO / DC Cable。

This week the shop owner will talk about the design of AfterDark. Progressive Project ClayX GPIO/DC cable for Raspberry. 

Why we do not use the MicroUSB on Raspberry Pi 3? Why using GPIO port for powering Rasberry Pi 3, any benefits?

This cable is developed by one of our VIP Client. He suggested the bottleneck of Raspberry Pi 3 is the power cable, so he asked if this can be input the power without the microUSB and USB A plug? 

The shop owner reply to him: The answer is yes, the shop owner promised him to hand made a audiophile grade DC cable for him. The material on "DC plug", cable and the carbon fiber shielding (CFS) Techology. The state of Art design from Project ClayX.

This was taken almost 2 months for develop and design, it is because there is no cable was ever made for GPIO ports on Raspberry Pi 3. The design of this cable was carefull design, so that user will not damage the GPIO and motherboard. Therefore, the shop owner design the speical GPIO DC 5V plug for Project ClayX. Very unique and clean execution which fit very well with DC cables. The design was so flexiable and could allow to insert other upgrade option later on. 

So, we release a new cable called AfterDark. Progressive Project ClayX GPIO/DC Cable.  

Happy Chinese New Year 2025

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