NETone Black Edition x External powered edition

Project Giesemann OCXO

AfterDark. Giesemann NETone Mini Switch PA2

OCXO Version
DC PLUG Version
DC Voltage Section

AfterDark. Giesemann NETone Mini Switch PA2


A mini network hubs produced by AfterDark. 

gives a significant improvement on both video and audio 

designed based on Project ALPHA (PA) program 

with one well respected member in Audiophilestyle.

To honor that moment, we invite all 

Audiophiles to share the happyiness 

 with friends


This AfterDark. Giesemann NETone Mini Switch PA2 will optimisesd with Internal OCXO or connecting external 10M Master Clock, to enhanced the sound quality. While enhance the OCXO can improve sound quality. With the Cascade connection of PA1, optical isolator, this can provide extra Lan port for connections. 



The Giesemann NETone Mini Switch PA2 - may be the first product to included OCXO Master Clock in this mini size. 


Purchase Link


The Giesemann Clock Sync Module (GCSM) will either accepts external inputs of 10M Reference Master Clock Signal or works with internal OCXO. Two versions would be made to orders. 


The PA2 will re-clock by GCSM to provide the best LAN signal to Music Player. The PA2 not only changes in the overall sounding but brings all micro details in the background and extracted them in precise timing with lowest possible jitter. 


Audio is very vulnerable to noise. There are many types of noise that can negatively affect audio quality, but the noise that has the biggest impact on computer streaming is EMI, RFI, and impulse noise .


The main role of  PA2 is to re-clock the CPU with precise timing with Giesesmann OCXO 10M Master Clock. The Sound and Video quality will be much higher with much smoother image on 4K playback on both Apple TV, Netflix and 4K YouTube. 


The advantage:


  • The density and resolution in the video image is increased, the color of the 4K playback is smoother and transparent. The movie playback becomes more vivid and dense, allowing for musical nuances even in digital. Your sensibilities will be revived, and your music will start to sound more musical.


  • The sound stage is much wider and opened up with 3D and improved focusing, quietness, clarity, purity, detail, and precision , while OCXO increase the precision and microdetail extraction with more refine backgrounds, the smoothness and microdynamics will be much better represented and created spatial region. 



The Audio Note Bi-Polar KENSAI Capacitor will be used for sound tuning



Connection Matrix:


Method 1: Connect the NETone Mini PA2 to the Lan port of the Apple TV, Smart TV and Network Player 




Behind the minimise design of the NETone Mini PA2, the internal components and parts is precision apply during the assembly process by soldering the chips with industrial graded signal cable to nearest 1mm, the process illustrating the hand craftsmanship that went into creating this entirely unique devices, which is highly skill intensive and cannot be made in today commercial standand procedure.   


Compataible to most 4K playback device including Apple TV, SmartTV and Audio Player. 


 NETone Mini PA2 Switch 

 Number of Lan Ports and Speed 

5 Gigabit Ports

 Performance Specification



Jumbo Frame Support

Up to 9K packet size

 Transmission speed  UTP side


 Maximum Speed


 External 10M Reference Master Clock OCXO Impendance 

 50ohms or 75ohms 

 Required Power-supply voltage 5V or 12V DC  2A (Gold Plated DC Socket) 
 Maximum power consumption  4.8W
 Size (width x height x depth)  15×12×7cm
 Weight  638g (body only)




Question and Answer


Will this OXCO modified switch good for Video or Audio?


  • Yes, we test this unit on both Audio and Video, it can enhance audio perfromance too.
  • The soundstage is much wider and mirco dynamic increases, the sound is much smoother, analog and laid back. 
  • We found the noise at the background is reduced on Video, so the back colour is more clean. 


Why this OCXO switch can improve picture quality?

  • The CPU inside the switch is bypassing the internal clock, using the OCXO clock will provide better phase noise and reduce jitter in signals. Thus, the picture quality is greatly improved, darkness and black color will vivid nicely. 
  • The linear power supply with ultra low noise is apply independently to CPU, OCXO and motherboard, it provide the best isolation for each devices. Much details representaion on video can be achieved, especially one dark background
  • The black become much darker with graduation on grey levels, it will be more impressive in large screen or projectors. 


Why Cascade the AV Switch PA2 with SFP Isolator PA1?

  • The cascade of double switch means, the network signals willl reclocked twice with network switch which has OCXO optimisation, the sounding will be more refined and vocal is a bit sweeten. 


What is the DC voltage requires?

  • One 5V or 12V 2.0A Linear Power Supply (LPS) is recommended 
  • The DC plug is on 2.1mm/5.5mm


Why do you need a full speed 1G port network switch for video? 

  • 100Mps switch can can only support the playback of 1080p with limited 10Mbs. 
  • 4K Video require much higher bandwidth, 1G port  is minimum requirement, which can transfer up to 100Mbs. 
  • Video will playback natively without trasnscode to lower resolution, much smooth for 4K HDR10+, as it requires at lastest 25Mbs data transfer rate. 


What playback device should be connect to each ports of Giesemann AV Switch PA2?

  • Port 1: Connect to NAS (Storage of backup Blu Ray / 4K HDR ISO)
  • Port 2: Connect to Router
  • Port 3: The best sounding port connect the Network Music Streamer
  • Port 4: Apple TV 
  • Port 5: TV ethernet port for Netflix and 4K YouTube playback


What is the maxmium throughout speed for AV Switch PA2?

  • Bandwidth is 10Gbps, so all 5 port can support 4K video/ Netflex, retrieving data at the same time
  • All the port is supporting Jumbo Frame Support (Up to 9K packet size) 
  • Every port supports up to 2000 Mbps in dedicated bandwidth. Automatic flow control ensures smooth traffic. There is a queue buffer memory of 12 kbytes per port



Type: OCXO Clock

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