NETone Black Edition x External powered edition

AfterDark. Project ClayX Clementine Power Cable



這電源線設計用於前級, 發燒音源,CD播放器,DAC和藍光播放器。

碳纖維起源於航空材料,但隨著這種材料的使用越來越廣泛,用於EMI屏蔽的高導電複合材料碳纖維屏蔽已經成功地解決電子設備與EMI(電磁干擾), 成功用碳纖維複合屏蔽方式應用於發燒音響電源線上. 因此,店主在產品線引入了Carbon Fiber Shielding(CFS)技術.

這電源線可能是世界上唯一, 一條使用了錄音室工程回收材料製作的碳纖維屏蔽發燒音響電源線。

•        98%NEW法國製造錄音室工程電源線
•        95%NEW美國製Hubbell頭
•        95%NEW德國製K+B IEC尾 
•        95%由回收材料製成

What we use the old used item from recording studio?
The reason behind is we found that the quality from this cable is extreme good and sound really airy with dark background. We did series of test with other cable, the cable was most benefit when there is carbon fiber shielding on it without grounding the carbon fiber woven.

Why AfterDark. try to release this unusual product? 
We believed that the material itself is very critical on demand application for recording studio and film production.The engineering on copper material cross section was made by highest standard and that’s explain our Unique Philosophy of AfterDark. We always experimental, curious, try things. And if I like this product, I do it again! Although it is a bit risky for people to accept it now, but we do sold one cable to one senior audiophile after product just released in 2 days ago. 

Will AfterDark. selling DIY material for "Carbon Fiber Shielding" to do some enhancement on their current cable? 
If people want to experimental, curious, and try things like "Carbon Fiber Shielding"  for their current power cable or RCA cable. Please feel free to contact AfterDark. “Made To Measure” Service. 

“Made To Measure” 
“Each element of a power cable can be brought out and expressed through made to measure. From the power plug detailing to the precise cut of Carbon Fiber Shielding , AfterDark believe the unique style of cable should pursuit minimalist style to ensure all is built around with client and unique style." 

Type: Power Cables

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